Time changes everything, even you and I have changed


1. Handmade Brooches
2. Class T-shirts
3. Customized T-shirts

Conversations & Inquiries

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I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

Layout: hasta mañana
Banners: reviviscent
Others: (1 | 2)

“life will be better in spring”
July 2010

Handmade Brooches
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 || 12:15 PM

Handmade Brooches @ $9 each


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Customized T-shirts
|| 12:11 PM

Customized T-shirts @ $12 - $15

*Other funny quotations available!
You can even create your own and mail us your quotes!

Here are some examples:
I’m in SHAPE (round is a shape).
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
It’s an unfair life, so many girls, so little time.
I can give a HEADACHE to an ASPIRIN.
KISS me ! I’m smart!
NO means YES!


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Class T-shirts
|| 12:10 PM

Class T-shirts @ $10 - $12

Choice 1


Choice 2


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